Oxfeldt M. et al (2023)

Low energy availability reduces myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic muscle protein synthesis in trained females.

Oxfeldt M. et al (2023)

Low Energy Availability Followed by Optimal Energy Availability Does Not Benefit Performance in Trained Females.

Hansen M. et al. (2022)

Supplement with whey protein hydrolysate in contrast to carbohydrate supports mitochondrial adaptations in trained runners.

Jensen R. et al. (2021)

Glycogen supercompensation is due to increased number, not size, of glycogen particles in human skeletal muscle.

de Sousa M.V. et al. (2021)

Nutritional optimization for female elite football players-topical review.

Jeppesen J.S. et al. (2024)

Low energy availability increases immune cell formation of reactive oxygen species and impairs exercise performance in female endurance athletes

Lichtenstein M.B. et al. (2024)

Are Sub-elite Athletes at Higher Risk of Eating Disorders, Exercise Addiction, Depression, and Low Energy Availability Compared With Elite Athletes?

Oxfeldt M. et al (2024)

Influence of 2nd Generation Oral Contraceptives on Muscle Recovery following Repeated Resistance Exercise in Trained Females

Elliott Sale K.J. et al. (2023)

Effect of menstrual cycle and contraceptive pill phase on aspects of exercise physiology and athletic performance in female athletes: protocol for the Feminae international multisite innovative project.

Martone D. et al. (2023)

Bone Health, Body Composition and Physiological Demands in 70-85-Year-Old Lifelong Male Football Players

Thorsteinsson H. et al. (2023)

The recovery of muscle function and glycogen levels following game-play in young elite male ice hockey players.

Schytz C.T. et al. (2023)

Lowered muscle glycogen reduces body mass with no effect on short-term exercise performance in men

Panduro J. et al. (2022)

Acute arm and leg muscle glycogen and metabolite responses to small-sided football games in healthy young men.

Jensen R. et al. (2020)

Heterogeneity in subcellular muscle glycogen utilisation during exercise impacts endurance capacity in men.

Vigh-Larsen J.F. et al. (2021)

Muscle Glycogen Metabolism and High-Intensity Exercise Performance: A Narrative Review






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